Archived Letter – 322

ELECTRICITY I find it appalling what we pay for our electricity. Do you?? As per usual our monthly bill came in the mail and to my shock and awe, $80 more than the same time as last year was added. Why? I called my service provider, who was very argumentative and belittling that I had the audacity to be questioning our bill. After ten minutes of automated punching of numbers to finally get a human being to speak to, I explained nothing had changed in our household. I received uneducated guesses as to why it was much higher. To my disbelief, the Christmas tree with the led lights may be the culprit. As forty five minutes past, this person perused through our past usages and rates without any explanation as to why in the middle of the hot summer with the air conditioner on we were paying less. Yes, rates have increased by one cent per hour but this does not add up. I would hope that if more people question and complain about their bills and rates, just possibly something would get done. Does anyone else agree?
