Archived Letter – 297

Dear Editor, Thank you for not voting in the PCs provincially! I actually feel a renewed sense of relief & respect for Ontarians again. But its not enough unfortunately. Stephen Harper & his PC party are financially supporting asbestos mining in Quebec, as well as the export of asbestos to poorer countries, such as India, Pakistan & Malaysia. Canada has been called a corporate serial killer and a mass murderer by other global leaders. Harper doesnt care. For him, its about profit, greed and getting Quebec votes. Its critical that you take the Asbestos Issue as serious as a death in your own family. My family didnt have a choice. We watched my Dad, Americo Arruda, die an excruciating death last summer because of asbestos exposure years before. There is only one way to get Mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the chest, lungs & stomach) and that is asbestos. Even though my Mom, my sister and I, have accepted the reality of Dads death, the pain is always there. Always. Dad walked about 5km per day and rode his bike on the trails up to 14km per day. He was the healthiest person I knew. And then last June, Life changed. Mesothelioma literally squeezed the Life from him until he was dead at 72 years young. Our doctor said, The cancer was growing so big, so fast that it was strangling all the other organs. We only had seven weeks and then he was gone. Dad died on August 11, 2010, and it was the worst day of my Life. There is only one way to get Mesothelioma! This happened because of asbestos exposure. Its time for companies and government to do the right thing for these courageous men & women who suffer until the end and the families left behind who love them. Thank you, Michelle Arruda

Michelle Arruda