Dear Editor,
Re: Race for the Children of Haiti on Oct. 13, Sept 20
Get the community to help you! This is more of what needs to happen in our world today. Everyone should be eager to help out especially when it comes to furthering the education of these children in Haiti.
To make this world one that we would want to leave a better place, we have a duty to give to those in need. Raising this money will help those children living in Haiti, to have a better future. We need to be the encouragement to these children that they can be more than what they are.
Everyone should have the enthusiasm that John McCluskey has for this event. It is good that St. Andrews Church and HEARTS has maintained their focus and have raised so much to help those children that need it the most. I feel that more people should want to be a part of these kinds of events, because it shows that you care about others.
Natasha Prinsen
Natasha Prinsen