Dear Editor,
I am a student at John Black Public School in Ontario.I think that we should have wifi on school buses because then it would keep kids distracted while the bus driver is trying to drive and concentrate, but it is bad to have wifi on the bus because kids could be watching bad videos that they should not be watching. The reason the kids might be watching bad videos is because they are not supervised while they are watching videos so then they would think that they could watch whatever they want. Also, it would cost a lot of money to put wifi on every school bus in Ontario. Another reason I think it will be good because kids could then use that time to do some of their homework on the bus so that they do not miss any exercise at recess or have to do it at home and not be able to help with chores. For those reasons I think there are some good reasons to put wifi on buses across Ontario, but there is also some reasons that there should not be wifi on buses.
Branden Shaw
Branden Shaw