Archived Letter – 1180

War, the thing that unites us and separates us. It’s been around for an extremely long time, such a long time that since life has existed on earth it’s been around. Usually through singular people fighting, nations fighting, and entire countries fighting. War is one of the most idiotic things in that we’ve come up with, because if we keep fighting a number of horrible things are bound to happen, nations divided, worse trading agreements, all communication lost, destroyed ecosystems which could take out species upon species with one fell swoop. If we keep fighting each other then we are pretty much just pressing a button to devolve us as a community and as friends! Without peace there isn’t equality, and equity, most of the general population would be in poverty because the government would spend money on weapons and other devices of war, then the world would go hungry because of it. While some others will thrive from it. People may despise each other because of where they came from, because of what their country did to theirs. So why keep fighting? War is pointless, if we stay in the same place doing the same thing we will get nowhere as a species, and then we will just eventually kill everyone and everything through huge warfare, if a war goes on for long enough. So please stop now, for us and for the future.


Liam Van Huisseling (Grade 6 Student – John Black)

Liam Van Huisseling