Archived Letter – 1171

Dear Editor,

Re: Cultural suicide, March 10

It is one thing to read about such rhetoric emanating from far away places. It is quite another to experience it in this community. There is no migration crisis eroding our culture. There is no “our culture” or one way of life in a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious society.
• The individuals who make up the “type and amount of immigration” are human beings with inalienable human rights.
• There is no Islamization of western civilization.
• Canada has not relaxed immigrant vetting.
• Multiculturalism is a sociological fact in Canada.
• No individual has a sole purpose. All migrants here take advantage of Canada’s generosity.
• The Indian Act (and its historical flaws) is a Canadian law not one of two sets of laws.
• Sharia does not creep, is allowed only in some Ontario civil arbitrations and only if both parties consent. Decisions cannot conflict with Canadian civil law.
• Deportation is often the wrong punishment for undocumented migration which is a breach of civil not criminal law. Some municipal police officers do not report undocumented migrants for that reason.

The writer asserts no concerns with Muslims or others from the Middle East yet apparently has a fear of migrants spreading Islamization and Sharia law. That seems a little disingenuous to me.

I defend free speech and the right of any media outlet to publish citizen comments. But it behooves all outlets mainstream or otherwise to vet comments for their potential to incite hatred toward identifiable groups. Let’s stop hate speech and all its associated ugliness.

Alan Gerrie

Alan Gerrie