Archived Letter – 1170

Dear editor,

Conveniently on March the 8th, or International women’s day, Prime Minister Trudeau announced the three year plan of spending $650-million of our hard earned taxpayers’ money. Let’s not be fooled here, this plan is essentially a move to battle anti-abortion laws worldwide under the guise of helping women who face constant fear of rape, forced marriage, genital mutilation, etc. The former should be in a totally different category than the latter; they are two separate things. Trudeau only wants to open up his 24/7 international abortion clinic in the 125 countries that don’t have one.

Our government here is only concerned with women’s reproductive ‘rights’ simply because the American’s understandably dropped their support for this global program. I say ‘understandably’ because it’s a lot of money for something that the other countries can figure out for themselves.

Since when does our government feel obliged to force their opinion on other countries anyway, as if they know best? Like I said before, the money their investing to support pro-choice advocates isn’t chump change by any means. How would you feel if President Trump announced on Mother’s Day that the American government wants to spend 650-million dollars (US) to support the pro-life movement here in Canada (yes there is one). I’d love it, but almost every selfish person in this country wouldn’t.

I am just amazed that our government has found yet one more way to squander our taxes and they did it in record time too! Where’s the support for climate change they promised a while back? I think 650-million dollars would go a long way to combat that. Or better yet, inject that money back into our own healthcare and/or education system so that we can avoid all the threats of strikes for the next three years (that’s for another letter, I guess). Or what about our infrastructure???

Way to go Trudeau, way to go! (Sarcasm intended)

Doug Vanderveen

Doug Vanderveen