My Friend is a single mom. She needs a place to live. She is a full time student on Social Assistance striving to make a better life for her and her kids. There is a >5 year wait list for low income housing. Her income on Social Assistance is $903. Rent in our community is >$1000+ per month. Social Assistance will pay the last month rent if she meets the imposible task of finding a place for less than $900 per month. However, before they can release the funds, my friend, needs the landlord to sign an intent to rent form. Because the landlord cannot guarantee the apt. until they have the deposit, they cannot sign the form. If OW does release the deposit and the apt. falls through, the money is gone and cannot be reissued. This leaves my friend; a mom, trying to do school, find a place to live at an impossible price, and she can’t have the deposit unitl the landlord signs a form he cannot sign until she has the deposit. This is a reality many citizens of Guelph and Wellington County face every day. We as a community have the power to change this situation. Be it through offering lower rent or advocating to our politicians, it has to be us who say…..”this is not OK!”
Thank you
Mary Crome
ps. If you would like to help this mom you can contact me at HOPE House.
Mary Crome