Archived Letter – 1028

I’m thinking our Premier hasn’t fully considered the opposition she is facing with the pending Sex Ed curriculum. If her opponents were just parents, taxpayers, and religious groups, she really wouldn’t have too much to be concerned about. After all, we are just human. We could choose to cease paying our taxes until she resigned or had an about face. We could lobby for a “recall referendum”, and have her removed from office, but in the long run this fight is still on a level playing field. It’s simply mere mortals opposing mere mortals.
What she doesn’t understand however is that not all of her opponents are human. There is One Who doesn’t operate on a level playing field. In fact, He doesn’t play at all! He created these children and is very protective of them! There is a saying which goes something like “but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Facing opposition from mere mortals as us is quite trivial. Facing judgement from the Creator of these children – – to say it is frightening doesn’t begin to describe it.
It is easy to say that God doesn’t exist. That doesn’t make it true.
Mike Benson
RR21 Cambridge, Ontario
