I would like to bring awareness to those who partake in the sport of hunting and gaming. Your gun licence is a privilege, not a right. This privilege comes with high power, enough to kill small to large game…. As well as humans. Before you take your gun out of your pick up truck, please turn 360 degrees and take note where you are located, whether you are on private property, whether you may be shooting into private property, AND where the dwellings are!!! Know the rules and regulations of this sport, , what days you are allowed to hunt, (as these rules change and are not always passed through all levels of government at the same time), and get permission for both yourself AND your scout dogs to enter private property before you assume it is allowed! We as property owners have every right to enjoy our peaceful abode without having to worry about being shot at. Please be responsible with your privilege hunters and gamers!
Diane Looman