The Elora Environment Centre has been conducting electrical audits for many years. After assessing many homes, the centre found several common savings opportunities.
First however, it is important to remember that electrical savings generally require making small changes, and doing many small actions collectively.
One thing the centre found is that a home entertainment system can often use between 20 and 200 Watts of phantom power while turned off. The DVR is often the main culprit, but the television, game system, and various amplifiers, tuners, and speakers often contribute as well.
A smart power bar with a built in timer is the best way to deal with this. Many people don’t really use their system until after school or work, so it could technically be shutdown all day. Remember that “day-time” electricity is the most expensive, so eliminating phantom load during the day is a simple way to cut electrical bills.
Hot tubs and spas also use a lot of electricity. Depending on the model and condition, they can use anywhere from 300 to 800kWh of electricity per month. The cover is a key element to keeping electricity as efficient as possible. The centre has found many tubs where the snaps that should pull the lid down snugly don’t really work. Make sure there is no condensation or frost “leaking” out of the top, as this could mean a lid problem.
For help understanding and controlling electrical uses, contact the centre 519-846-0841.
Don Eaton is a senior advisor with the Elora Environment Centre