The Learning Disabilities Association of Wellington County is proud to announce a series of DVD movies related to Learning Disabilities and other special needs to take place this spring.
Apr. 19 – “It’s So Much Work to be Your Friend” Helping the Learning Disabled Child find Social Success by Richard Lavoie. Both screening at 7 pm at the Board Room, Community Living, 8 Royal Rd, Guelph.
Two other DVDs will be screened on the following dates – May 12, at the Community Living Centre, 280 St. Patrick St. W., Fergus, 7pm and May 31, at the Board Room, Community Living, 8 Royal Rd., Guelph, also at 7 pm.
The Learning Disabilities Association of Wellington County is funded by The United Way and is a charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth and adults with learning disabilities so that they can reach their full potential.
Please register by telephone (519) 837-2050 (answering service) or email
Admission fee is $5.00 for members and $7.50 for nonmembers.
Fee subsidy is available upon request.