Zoning amendments required to facilitate the expansion of Wallenstein Feed and Supply and address buffering and landscaping requirements for the adjacent Kissing Bridge Trail system will be presented for consideration by Mapleton council on July 28.
The current zoning of the feed mill property requires a parking setback and landscape buffer from the adjacent Kissing Bridge Trail lands.
County senior planner Linda Redmond explained Wallenstein Feed and Supply is proposing to utilize a portion of these lands for their parking and will be relocating and reconstructing the Kissing Bridge Trail and providing a landscape buffer between the parking area and the trail.
“Staff are pleased to see this proposal moving forward and have no concerns with the amendments requested,” stated Redmond at a July 4 public meeting on the proposal.
She indicated the application maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and zoning bylaw, and would be desirable and appropriate for the development of the subject property.
Planning consultant Samuel Head said the trail as proposed would be extended from Yatton Road all the way to Highway 86, with benches for trail users to be installed as part of a rest area near the highway.
Redmond said the trail is not well used and “not really a great trail” in its current location and the planning department feels the changes will improve the situation. “It’s a really a great project and we’re quite excited about it.”