June will be Seniors Month in Mapleton

June will be Seniors Month in Mapleton, council has declared.

This June marks the 31st anniversary of Seniors’ Month in Ontario.

“This is a month to recognize the important role that seniors play in our community,” stated Helen Edwards, seniors health services coordinator for the Close to Home program, in a presentation to council. “Seniors Month theme for 2015 is ‘Vibrant Seniors, Vibrant Communities.’ Seniors in Mapleton continue to serve as leaders, mentors and volunteers and are active and important members of this community. Their contributions past and present warrant appreciation and recognition and their stories deserve to be told. Their experience and knowledge continue to benefit Mapleton,” stated Edwards in her written request for a declaration.

Edwards also noted Mapleton recently partnered with the Town of Minto and the Township of Wellington North to submit an application to Grants Ontario to the Age- Friendly Community Grant program. “Upon approval work will begin to identify steps to take to ensure that north Wellington continues to be an area in which seniors can age successfully.”

