James Dick re-applies for Rockwood quarry

James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL) has re-applied for  county and township approvals for its proposed Rockwood quarry.

In November, the company began applying to  Wellington County for an Official Plan amendment permitting aggregate mining at the proposed quarry site.

At the same time, the company is re-applying to Guelph-Eramosa Township for re-zoning of the site.

Guelph-Eramsoa CAO Ian Roger confirmed a report for a complete application will likely be considered by council on Dec. 19, as long as all the information comes together before that date.

JDCL is re-applying after Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) vice-chair Steve Stefanko adjourned on Oct. 13 a hearing to decide the quarry’s fate.

Stefanko’s reasoning was that the original JDCL application for a quarry south of Rockwood at the Sixth Line and Highway 7 was made under a bylaw that was repealed and replaced in August.

Stefanko said that meant the OMB no longer had jurisdiction over the matter.

Because the Wellington County Official Plan was updated since JDCL’s original application, the company must now also apply for an Official Plan amendment.

The property is currently designated as greenlands, core greenlands and prime agricultural. It also contains significant woodlands.

The new application must address the Official Plan’s requirements for these designations.

The company’s application for a licence under the Aggregate Resources Act is still valid and awaiting OMB assessment.

It would be considered along with the new zoning application if appealed to the OMB.

