It’s been a while

In the throes of a company reorganization, all managers and staff were tasked with asking the question “is there a better way?”. 

The point of the question from higher ups was to get people thinking. 

Are we doing our functions the best way possible? Are there unnecessary steps in processes?

What is the optimal staff count?

Are we maximizing capital?

Do we need to invest in new machinery to make us more efficient?

These are just a few of the notions that factor into productivity. Along with ensuring the right staff complement, it empowers workers often encumbered by historical attitudes like ‘“we have always done it this way.”

Listening to our friend talk about her task in the weeks ahead while her company reorganizes got us to thinking about public entities that rarely make the plunge to examine roles and effectiveness.

At risk of proposing a sweeping generalization, politicians today seem quite comfortable stepping out of their lane. The appeal of that is to be seen doing something or championing a cause. But if all levels of government tackle issues that aren’t their specific mandate, does that risk not doing anything well?

The confusion surrounding who does what has swelled in recent times. Locally, a good part of this problem stems back to restructuring and programs with the Harris Conservatives to streamline government.

After a quarter century of restructured government in Wellington County it seems to us a review of services is in order. While that process would potentially benefit tax-weary residents here it would also form the basis of encouraging other levels of government to sharpen their pencil and focus on priorities that benefit the province and federal government.

The status quo needs to change. 

What we see now is simply unsustainable.
