Centre Wellington’s tender award committee recently confirmed the $848,299 (excluding HST) bid of J.G. Goetz Construction Ltd. has been accepted for the reconstruction of Irvine Street.
The tender award committee is comprised of the mayor, CAO, treasurer and the department head (or designate) for tenders not exceeding $1 million and which is within budget allocations. Tenders are awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
The scope of this tender is for the reconstruction of Irvine Street in Elora (from Colborne Street to John Street), and includes the replacement of the existing water main, construction of a new sidewalk, curbs and gutters, and the replacement or construction of new storm sewers.
Invitations were sent to 18 firms. Twelve firms picked up tender documents and five firms submitted bids.
Prices include a contingency allowance of $75,000 and exclude HST. Of the five bids, estimates ranged from the low bid to a high bid of $1.45 million. Council authorized the move.