Interest expressed in Minto for off leash dog park

Apparently there is some interest in an off-leash dog park in Minto.

At the Dec. 2 council meeting, councillor Barb Burrows noted some interest was ex­pressed to her about such a park.

“A number of locations have been discussed. We’re still in the preliminary stages … and one of those sites would require county involvement I do think it is needed,” Burrows said.

As a member of the local trails group, she is finding that although one particular park is posted that all dogs must be on a leash, “people use that as their off-leash dog park.

“That is not something we are prepared to promote as an organization, because we are working with the Town of Minto and the County of Wellington and we definitely want to obey the laws,” she said.

She believes there may be more letters going out to dog owners as a reminder. She intends to keep council up-to-date as things proceed.

