Insurance rates up 2% in Puslinch

It could have been worse.

On Sept. 7 Puslinch Mayor Dennis Lever said, “This morning we met with our insurance carriers – our agent and the company representative  reviewed our insurance for the previous year – and are very happy to announce that our insurance premiums are only going to increase by 2%.”

He said, “It was relayed to us that the real reason was our claims experience, and the management and activities that take place in the township to try and minimize our exposure.

“Recently a number of us attended the Association of Municipalities of Ontario in London. A great portion of that conference was focussed on large pending insurance rate increases for many municipalities.”

He added, “We’ve done very well and everyone associated with that, including the department heads and the [chief administrative officer] should be commended for their efforts in minimizing the risk in that area.”

