Icemen, 81s join to form new Mapleton Minto Senior AA hockey team

The Palmerston 81’s and the Drayton Icemen have joined forces in an attempt to ice a more competitive team for the 2011-12 WOAA Senior AA hockey season.  

The new team, named the Mapleton Minto 81’s, is the result of discussions between the two hockey teams going back as far as last April.

“We feel it is a positive move,” said Mapleton Minto 81’s general manager Rick Fisk. “We have a good mixed executive and that’s a bonus, for sure.”

According to Fisk, many factors contributed to the decision, including  community advantages like the need for ice time in both Palmerston and Drayton, a shared sponsorship base and a fan base to support the team.

The amalgamation will allow team officials to increase the number of local players on the team while improving their ability to draw players within a competitive geographic area, such as Elora, Monkton and Shelburne.

The Mapleton Minto 81’s executive is currently working to finalize operational staffing, a sponsorship drive and other fundraising events for the coming season.

The new Mapleton Minto 81’s regular season will consist of 24 games; 12 at home and 12 away games.

“We will split home games between the Mapleton and Minto arenas,” said Fisk.

The season home opener will be played against the Shelburne Muskies on Oct. 15 at 6:30pm at the PMD Arena in Drayton. 

Open practice and try-outs will be held in Palmerston on Sept. 17 at 4pm, Sept. 20 at 9pm and Sept. 27 at 9pm.  Everyone is welcome.

The team is also looking for volunteers who want to participate with the team in a variety of areas, including inviting students looking to fulfill their community volunteer hours by helping with admissions and/or music during the game, as well as other roles.

“We want to put a competitive team on the ice for good competitive hockey,” said Fisk. “We hope to get a fan following for the team. I hope the people will give us a chance.”

For more information about the supporting or volunteering call Fisk at 519-338-3446 or 519-343-2840 or Uwe Claussen at 519-638-3868.

