The goal of the annual Spirit of the Hills Fun Day here is to attract people to the village who might not otherwise stop by – and that goal was met on Aug. 20 with a packed main Street.
It was the sixth annual Fun Day, and there appeared to be something for everyone.
“It was an amazing day,” said Donna Revell, who manages the local library and sits on the let’s get Hillsburgh growing committee. She said the event is a joint effort between the committee and the Hillsburgh Lions Club, which was busy all over the place running games for children and events in general.
People even had the opportunity to feel what it is like to hold a fire hose when the water is turned on. The resulting spray from the tank helped to cool off some visitors.
Revell laughed and noted that it has never rained during the event.
It is free, so organizers have no accurate way to count how many attended. But, Revell said, one good indication came from the Exchange Hotel on Main Street. It is being restored by Ray McCullough, the newest of member of the committee. He handed out 600 free ice cream cones over the course of the four hour event.
“We’re guessing 800 people over the four hours,” Revell said.
There were 59 classic autos and trucks on display, from old Fords to a Jaguar, as well as a number of hot rods, and Corvette Stingrays.
Justin Lefebre, of Ottawa, followed his three sons, Jacob, Austin, and Chase as they looked the cars up and down, trying to decide which one to vote for. Lefebre said he lived in Hillsburgh for over 20 years and was in town to visit family, so the Family Fun Day was just that for all of them.
Lloyd Turbitt, the organizer of the classic auto display, said the 59 classic cars and trucks parked on the main street was the most ever for the Fun Day.
“All in all, it was a great day,” he said.
The most popular vehicle, as voted on by all the visitors, was a 1960 Chevrolet panel truck decorated with logos from the old White Rose gasoline stations that disappeared decades ago. It is owned by Ken Greene, of Mount Forest.
Revell said a lot of grandparents from the community find it a good weekend to invite their grandchildren to stay with them. Kids all over the street were having a ball trying various games and eating free ice cream.
The library was also a busy site. There were displays from the County Solid Waste Services and also the Green Legacy program. The library also offered arts and crafts for children and broadcast a Stars of the Town, Hillsburgh edition DVD of that old TV show.
Revell said the library showed off some of its history, with photos of the old and the modern.
“The library is a key part of the day,” Revell said.
There were also miniature donkeys on display there, courtesy of Peckard Miniatures.
There were some new attractions this year. The OPP Mounted Unit was on hand, with the officers answering questions from dozens of people who stopped to pat Jasper and Bosco, ridden by OPP officers Keith Robb and Kate Carberry.
Keith Hunter, of Orangeville, presented A Touch of Magic, charming visitors with amazing magic tricks, particularly in guessing which cards they picked from a deck of 52.
Pockets the Clown was also new, and entrancing the youngsters with balloon animals.
“We’re pleased we can do something to get people coming to Hillsburgh,” said Revell. It will run again in 2012 on the third Saturday in August.