Hospital auxiliary celebrates 95 years

The auxiliary to Louise Marshall Hospital in Mount Forest is celebrating its 95 anniversary this year.

What is now the auxiliary was started in the spring of 1922 by a few like-minded ladies who gathered to discuss the possibility of assisting the “men’s board” of the Mount Forest General Hospital.

The organization, with president Mrs. J.N. Scott, was known as the “women’s board” of the hospital.

(In 1928 the hospital was renamed the Louise Marshall Hospital in honour of local pharmacist Wentworth Marshall’s mother, who had worked at the hospital for many years.)

At its annual meeting and potluck luncheon on June 5, the auxiliary presented certificates of recognition to honour members for years of service.

Kaye Moody, who was not at the meeting, will receive a certificate for 35 years of service.

Thirty-year certificates went to Verna Batenchuk, Alma Mathers and Pat Orr, while Shirley Martin is being honoured for 25 years.

Certificates of recognition for 20 years went to Joyce Gervais and Lois Harris, while 15-year honourees were Alice Leibold, Bonnie Marquardt, Gladys Raftis, Jean Woods and Josie Vandepas.

Certificate for 10 years went to Mary Eccles, Janet Moore, Isabel Patterson, Marilyn Rogers and Wendy Rogerson. Honoured for five years were Carol Enser and Darlene Hogg.

For 95 years the Auxiliary to Louise Marshall Hospital has been fundraising and supporting the local hospital in many ways.

In the beginning the auxiliary held small tea parties, put on amateur theatre productions and collected donations from family and friends.

Today the group’s major fundraisers include a spring luncheon, an annual quilt raffle and a fall bazaar, which includes a lunch, silent auction, bake and craft tables. The auxiliary also stocks and runs the gift shop located in the hospital lobby and raised over $1,000 at a recent plant and bake sale at Pike Lake.

Money raised is funnelled back into the hospital through equipment purchased annually from the hospital’s “wish list.”

The auxiliary also presents a gift to the first baby born at Louise Marshall Hospital each year and members help at clinics by visiting specialists and in various other hospital departments.

Auxiliary volunteers provide tray favours to brighten holidays for those confined to a hospital and help decorate the building for Christmas. They help the Louise Marshall Hospital Foundation with tasks such as stuffing envelopes.

The auxiliary is a vibrant and successful organization, with active members Laura Marchment and Alma Mathers set to celebrate their 100th birthdays later this year. Audrey Donald, who also still attends meetings and donates home baking, is not much behind them.

Several members are well into their 80s. Shirley Daniels and Josie Vandepas have celebrated their 90th birthdays.
