Horticultural Societys annual plant sale is set for May 15

As right as rain, the gardening season will soon be upon us. A sure sign is the Fergus Horticultural Society’s perennial sale.

Eager gardeners will gather at the stone house next to the Sportsplex on Belsyde Avenue, from 8am to noon. The event is held rain or shine, so dress appropriately.

The Fergus plant sale is one of the largest in the area. Prices start at $1.

Society members will be easily identified as they will be wearing their purple gardening shirts. They will help visitors to beautify their gardens with perennials, ground covers, and herbs.

There is always an ex­tensive collection. In the early spring, the society’s gardeners evaluate each of the 20 gardens they tend to each season, and select those plants that need dividing.

Perennials grow in an ever widening clump. After several seasons of growing, these plants will begin to die out in the centre and look more like a ring than a clump if they are not divided every three or four years.

The perennials at the sale are raised in the local climate, so they are hardy, healthy, gen­er­ously sized, and reasonably priced. Many bargains can be found, so people should shop early. Most of the perennials will be in half gallon pots.

Mature, hardy plants are also dug from members’ gar­dens. Often some members specialize in a particular kind of perennial. A must-have may be waiting, whether a favourite is irises, peonies, succulents, daylilies, or native plants.

Some society members, who are also gardening profes­sionals, will lend their expertise to advise on plant choices and design concepts to help to create a garden oasis.

The plant sale is the only fundraising event for the society. Funds from the sale are plowed back into the commu­nity.  Each year the society plants and maintains community gar­d­ens. Those are beautiful out­door spaces on public or pri­vate lands, where members meet to grow and care for annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees.

Does anyone have peren­nials to donate to the plant sale? The Green Team members of the society will come and gather plant dona­tions. If owners need to divide them, the society will be there to help.

For more information, contact this year’s coordinator, Kathy Bouma, at 519-843-7703 or e-mail to her at kbouma@sympatico.ca.

