The Guelph Township Horticultural Society held its annual meeting at the Marden community centre.
Members enjoyed a variety of baked goods during break time. Successes and failures in the garden were presented. One member garnered 312 English cucumbers from 6 seeds. Others told of failures, the virus that has recently attacked tomatoes being the most obvious.
Guest speaker, and master gardener in training, Robert Pavlis, gave some advice, warning that not all the cures work: mulching with straw, or using plastic sheeting to prevent water splashing onto the plants; avoiding tomatoes near potatoes, or on soil already contaminated for at least three years. Pavlis showed pictures of gardens he has visited around the world, from the largest spring flower garden in Holland to parts of Canada few have visited to see plant life at its simplest, growing in arctic zones. Reports were presented from the society committees. Major work was done on the Marion Brennan Enabling Garden, located behind the Marden community centre and library. The raised planters are installed, with soil and a rim to be added, ready for spring planting by community based groups. President Phil Sweetled all in hearty thanks for the work of the committees.
Gift certificates for membership for 2011 are now available for Christmas giving at $10 for adults and $2 for youth ages 6 to 17 years. Contact the secretary or any member of the board.
The executive and board of directors for 2011 were installed by Assistant District Director Jane McDonald. President Phil Sweet, Secretary-Treasurer Jean Gordon, Show Secretary Pat Pritchard, Assistant Secretary Jean Sweet, Financial Examiners: Evelyn Cleghorn and Deb Walker.
There are still openings for first- and second- vice presidents. Remaining on the board for 2011 were Pat Pritchard, Ruth Robinson, and Sylvia Grant. Elected for 2011-2012 were Kelli Caldwell, Donna Rowe, Linda Van Norman, Lorna Brooks, Mary Campagnaro, and Jane McDonald.
Two boxes of food items were donated for the local food bank. The evening closed with the drawing of door prizes and another chance to visit and try the desserts.
The next general meeting will be Feb. 15, when the results of the photographic competition will be shown. Entries are to be mailed to the convenor before Dec. 31. The competition is open to all paid members. Contact for more information.
Submitted by Jean Gordon