Holly berries decorated the community hall here on Nov. 22 for a Christmas potluck meeting of the Clifford Horticultural Society.
President Bill Cheeseman welcomed everyone and invited Jim Measures to share Grace for the festive meal. Hosts for the evening were Alieda Murray, Arthena Underwood, Rita Measures, and Evelyn Dettman.
Youth co-ordinator Georgie Hutchison praised the youth and their parents and gardening partners for sharing their horticultural know how taking plants from seed to harvest.
The most deserving youth scores the most points by participating in caring for plants in their garden, the food bank garden plot, flower shows, and youth events. Scores are tabulated and Becky Walters’ overwhelming enthusiasm earned her the Helene Held memorial youth award that was presented by Max Held and his daughter Linda Smits.
Flower show convenor Barbara Harris announced the adult with the most points from the two flower shows was Carol Lange. She won the Edna Litt memorial award by Edna’s son, Larry and his wife Linda Litt.
Cheeseman and vice president Wayne Pfeffer handed out ten year certificates and pins to Rita Measures, Jim Measures, Dettman, Marion Wylie, Lange, Marion Pfeffer, Bruce Hutchison, Esther Hallman, Helen Braun, and Karen Dowler.
Don Matthews brought greetings from District Director Dorelene Anderson before installing the new executive for 2012. He said it is important to recognize volunteers and youth who will potentially be master gardeners of the future, and added it is wonderful to see such a great number of horticultural volunteers working together with the Town of Minto to beautify the village.
The executive for 2012 is president Cheeseman, vice-president Pfeffer; secretary Irene Judge; treasurer Dowler. Directors with terms ending in 2012 are Blanche Freeman, Georgie Hutchison, Helen Braun, Esther Hallman, Doris Jaunzemis; those with terms ending in 2013 are Elsie Grummett, Ann Bowen, Barbara Harris, Isobel Senek, Jean Yenssen.
Irene Judge played a jelly bean game asking everyone to choose their favourite colour from the large jelly bean jar. Once chosen, she proceeded to tell everyone what the colours stand for according to her “Jellybeanology” chart. Many people chose red showing their cheerful optimistic nature and joy of entertaining.
Murray handed out carol sheets and the singing began with Deck the Halls and finished with the many verses of The 12 Days of Christmas, the value of which today would be in the thousands.
Cheeseman encouraged nine volunteers to sign to prepare lunch for the three monthly card parties starting on Jan. 12, and to give thought to attending Canada Blooms in March, and to have their volunteer hours into Irene Judge by Jan. 6 or sooner.