Funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation will help the Harriston Historical Society provide access to local historical records and artifacts and enable the group to offer education and workshops to local students and the general public.
The $21,600 grant was officially announced at a June 14 ceremony at the Harriston branch of the Wellington County Library, where the society has operated a display room since the renovated library was re-opened last June.
The funding will be used to purchase computer and camera equipment, display cases, shelving, filing cabinets and an outdoor canopy for special events.
The society is a volunteer organization dedicated to collecting, preserving and exhibiting historical materials and providing educational opportunities relating to the town of Harriston.
Wellington County councillor Mark MacKenzie, a member of the society, called the grant “the best News we’ve had since we started.”
History as it happens
“This will allow us to get some equipment and continue our mission of providing information about the past and the present,” said society member Carol Homuth. “History has to be recorded now.”
Minto deputy mayor Terry Fisk said, “We’re very grateful to this group for preserving our past and we’re also grateful to the Trillium group for providing some funding so you can look after our past, and also our future as it develops.”
Perth-Wellington MP Randy Pettapiece thanked the Trillium Foundation for recognizing the important work of the society, noting the foundation looks for community leadership and partnerships in the organizations it elects to fund.
“If you don’t preserve your history today, you lose it,” said Pettapiece.