Heart and Stroke offering a new fundraiser with Gala Royale

The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Welling­ton Dufferin is kicking its fundraising up a notch in 2010 with the introduction of the first annual Gala Royale – a fundraising evening in support of the placement of life-saving automated external (AEDs) in priority locations throughout the community.

“We have enjoyed success with many of our longest run­ning, grassroots fundraising initiatives, such as the Person-to-Person campaign that kicks off in February,” said area manager Gina Sweet, who add­ed that “2010 will see the launch of an exciting new event that will take us to the next level.”

The Heart & Stroke Foun­dation’s Gala Royale, pre­sent­ed by Gabriel Frank of In­vestor’s Group, takes place Feb. 6 at Guelph Place.

Tickets are $100, and all proceeds go to the purchase of AEDs for place­ment in areas throughout the community that are identi­fied as priorities by Emergency Services.

“In the future, through the generosity of our supporters, we hope to make AEDs as com­­monplace as fire extin­guish­ers,” said Sweet. “And Gala Royale is just one step towards achieving that goal. We are very excited that all funds raised from that particu­lar event, stay local.”

Not only will Gala Royale raise funds in the short-term for foundation, but it will also introduce the opportunity to en­gage in long-term, legacy planning through the “Chari­table Giving Foundation” at Investors Group.

It is the goal to launch a trust for donors, with all proceeds benefitting the Wellington-Dufferin Chap­ter of Heart and Stroke Foun­dation.

“To be part of an inaugural event that will prove to be amongst this community’s per­en­nial fundraising initiatives is extremely exciting,” said Frank.

“Our wealth manage­ment team looks forward to the opportunity of working along­side the Wellington Dufferin chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation in aid of its fundraising and planned giving initiatives for many years to come.

“It is refreshing to give back to the community while increasing awareness of such a worthy cause.”

According to event organi­zers, Gala Royale promises to be an evening of entertainment and dance with music by the

Royal City Big Band, and a silent auction. Dance demon­strations by professional per­formers are also planned.

Lina­mar Chief Executive Officer Linda Hasenfratz will be this year’s honorary chairman.

Tickets are on sale and more information about the event can be found at www.galaroyale.ca or by calling 519-837-4858.

“Gala Royale is going to be an amazing evening,” said Sweet. “Tickets for the event make great Christmas gifts, or an elegant Valentine’s celebra­tion.”

