Hawks’ Nest competition announces second corporate sponsor

NEUSTADT –  The Saugeen Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and Bruce Community Futures Development Corporation (Bruce CFDC) have announced TD Bank Group as the second corporate sponsor for the Hawks’ Nest competition. 

“The passion and drive of small business owners and entrepreneurs helps power the economy,” stated TD District vice president Greg Lamarche in a Feb. 13 press release. 

“Their success is vital to the prosperity of communities across the region, and TD is proud to support them and their businesses through programs like Hawks’ Nest.”  

The Hawks’ Nest is a Dragons Den inspired competition where new and existing businesses and entrepreneurs from Grey Bruce, Wellington North, Minto and the City of Owen Sound will pitch their business ideas in an attempt to secure financial support from local “Hawk” investors.

The event is being held on June 18 at the Hanover Civic Theatre, where the final six adults and one youth pitch their business ideas to the Hawks.

The submission deadline is March 10. 

Interested business owners and entrepreneurs need to submit a detailed business plan and completed application form by then to apply. 

Submissions can be sent to the project coordinator at hawksnest@sbdc.ca

The Hawks’ Nest will be announcing six high profile business leaders in the local area who have committed to invest a minimum of $5,000 on one or more of the finalists that evening. 

Not only is there a minimum $30,000 up for grabs; the finalists will leave with valuable feedback, coaching, mentorship and immeasurable exposure to kick start their business ideas.  

For more information on the Hawks’ Nest, sponsorship opportunities and tickets visit hawksnest.ca or contact SEDC at 519-799-5750 x 302 or sbdc.ca or Bruce CFDC at 1-519-386-9933 or bruce.on.ca.