“Barnyard Bonanza” is the theme of the 2013 Harriston-Minto Fall Fair, set for Sept. 13 to 15, and local organizers are planning an impressive array of activities.
“We have a great line-up of events to enjoy, including the R&R Pet Paradise Dog Sport Team and lawn mower races on Friday evening, the parade, Horse Show and Baby Show on Saturday, and the Car and Motorcycle Show and Demolition Derby on Sunday. The Midway will be running all weekend,” states Harriston-Minto Agricultural Society president Jack Shannon, in a message to fair-goers.
In his welcome, Minto Mayor George Bridge said, “The Harriston-Minto Fall Fair will have many events, exhibits and fun activities for young and old alike and on behalf of council, I would like to invite everyone to attend, participate and enjoy this annual community event. It’s always a pleasure for our council to support our vital agricultural community.”
The fair gets underway on Sept. 13, with gates opening at 6pm. The exhibit hall will be packed with displays and the dog demo show gets underway at 7pm in the cattle show ring.
The official opening of the fair takes place at 8pm in the auditorium, followed by a talent show.
Other Friday evening events include the Junior Calf Show, lawn mower races and a pie auction. The midway will feature a ride-all-night price of $30.
Sept. 14 events begin with a Light Horse Show at 9am. At 11am, the Agricultural Awareness display, presented by the Harriston-Minto Junior Agricultural Society, opens up and runs until Sunday at 5pm
The annual fall fair parade begins at noon on Saturday, followed by a horseshoe tournament, 4-H Dairy Show and a Mutt Show at 1pm.
Also on Saturday, the baby show will take place at 1:30pm, a horse pull is set for 2pm, field crop awards are presented at 3pm and the popular pork auction will take place at 3:15pm.
Saturday evening’s main event, The Bran Muffins Dance and Wing Night, gets underway at 8pm.
Sept. 15 fun starts with a hearty fair breakfast from 8 to 10:30am. At 11am antique vehicle and motorcycle shows open up. At 12:30pm, the All Breed Beef Show and 4-H Beef Show take over the show ring and the pedal tractor pull will provide fun for the youngsters.
The Big Bale Rollout at 2pm precedes the Demolition Derby, which starts at 2:15pm.
The fair wraps up with a pork and beef barbecue from 4:30 to 7pm.
The Harriston-Minto Fall Fair is a true family event and this year, the family with the most members present on any one day will receive a smoked ham, courtesy of the Harriston Packing Company, while the second largest family contingent will receive a Redwood Restaurant gift certificate.
Adult admission to the fair is $5 on Friday night and Saturday, and $10 on Sunday. For children under 12, admission is just $1 each day. Weekend passes are available for $12 for adults and $2 for children.
For more information go to www.harristonmintofair.ca