Harriston Horticultural Society completes year

The Harriston District Horticultural Society completed the year with a pot luck dinner in the community auditorium. Doug Gray gave the blessing.

Following the dinner, James Graham from the Ontario Horticultural Association conducted the election of offices for 2012.

Diane Ireland-Kelly was elected president, Willa Wick has accepted the secretary position and Rose Harris remains treasurer.

Jill Welsh reported the greenway trail has had another successful year.

Twelve people had their numbers called to take home poinsettias and draws were made for Irene Fudgers’ home grown violets.

Alice Douglas presented plaques and gift certificates. Mary Cuculich was the recipient of the plaques and gift certificates. She won the Rhoda Cameron memorial award and gift certificate for the North Wellington Co-op for best design in the spring flower show, the Mildred Newman Memorial Award for the best design in the August flower show and the gift certificate from Steckles flowers and vegetables. The Golden Trowel award for the most points in all the shows was Cuculich as well.

James Graham showed a slide show and described some of his gardening hints and gave away seeds and plants.


