Harriston Horticultural Society celebrating 65th anniversary

On Feb. 2, 1952, Mrs. Thomas Aitken, president of the Beehive Women’s Institute invited local people who were interested in horticulture to a meeting, and from that the Harriston and District Horticultural Society was born. Membership was 125.

For a number of years the T. Eaton Company and Simpson Sears donated prizes to the members with the highest points in exhibiting each year.

Since those early days, many trees have been planted, many flowers have adorned the signs at entrances to town, tended to by dedicated members.

To celebrate its 65th anniversary the society initiated a “Garden of the Month” program.  

“We hoped local residents would nominate those with outstanding gardens so that their efforts could be recognized. Thank you  to those who took the time to nominate,” said society president Sue Bridge.

“The program was very well received and we are currently on our last round of fantastic gardens for this year. Our members were given the opportunity to tour many of these gardens, and we are so proud of our residents who take such pride in their  surroundings,” Bridge added.

At a Sept. 20 gathering, along with celebrations, clothes and games from 65 years ago and anniversary cupcakes, members were treated to a talk by local resident Janna Dodds on  Herbs – Growing and Cooking Them and Their Medicinal Uses.  Members learned how to make teas out of everything from flowers along the roadside to weeds in the back yard.  

The group also learned that the root from an echinacea,  ground up and left to sit in a quantity of vodka, could cure a sore throat and cold and that the tansy flower will repel ants.

 Dodds also demonstrated how to make pesto from fresh basil, and it was enjoyed along with refreshments.

All are welcome to join the society at the next meeting on Oct. 18 at 7:30pm at the Harriston Seniors Centre (train station), when local resident Jean Anderson will talk about her favourite flower – African Violets.
