Residents near the intersection of Highway 6 and Laird Road interchange construction may have a noisy summer ahead.
Residents in the area were recently mailed letters from Fred Vock, Senior Contract Administrator, Morrison Hershfield Limited Consulting Engineers to inform them that construction on Highway 6 at Laird Road will soon commence.
The Ministry of Transportation has awarded the project to Capital Paving. Morrison Hershfield Ltd. has been retained to perform the contract administration services for the project.
This construction project consists of the following major works:
– reconstruction of the existing intersection of Highway 6 and Laird Road to include an interchange;
– new underpass structure over Highway 6 at Laird Road;
– reconstruction of Highway 6 mainline; and
– improvements to drainage and lighting.
The duration of this project is expected to stretch from April 2012 to fall 2013.
During that time, Highway 6 will be reduced to one lane traffic in both directions intermittently throughout the contract area.
In addition, Laird Road (Southgate to Cooper Drive) will be closed at Highway 6 on or about May 16 and reopened in summer 2013 for construction of the underpass structure.
A signed detour (Southgate to Clair Road to Cooper Drive to Hanlon Creek Boulevard) will be in place during the Laird closure.
For more informationcontact Vock at