H1N1 flu shots limited to most vulnerable

Well­ington Dufferin Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) issued a notice on Nov. 2 that it will provide flu shots only to the most vulnerable of citizens.

The notice stated, “Due to a vaccine delay, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care announced only people at high risk of developing compli­cations from the virus will get a flu shot this week.

“Public Health staff will screen people attending this week’s clinics to ensure the H1N1 shot will be given only to the following groups:

– less than 65 years of age and have a chronic health condition;      

– pregnant;

– child six months to less than five years of age;

– health-care worker; and

– caregiver of infant(s) under six months old or a caregiver of people at high risk who cannot get the H1N1 vaccine.”

The notice said, “People who are not in a priority group, will be asked to return when there is enough vaccine to offer to non-priority groups. We are following dir­ection from the Ministry. The seasonal flu shot remains available to everyone at all of our clinics.”

The H1N1 vaccine has been distributed to all physicians in the area who requested it. WDGPH said people should check with their doctor or community health clinic to inquire if they can receive the shot.

Public health is using its website to keep people apprised of the H1N1 situation in the area because officials will adjust local flu shot clinics in accordance with vaccine supply.

Visit www.wdghu.org to keep up to date.

WDGPH announced new hours last week for the first Fergus clinics, but that notice arrived too late to be included in last week’s edition of The Wellington Advertiser.

Flu shot preparation

Public health officials are aware there will be long lineups for flu shots, so they are offering people some suggestions to make the wait easier.

“We are expecting a high response to our H1N1 flu shot clinics,” said communications specialist Lucia Zdeb. “You can help make your wait more comfortable by preparing in advance.”

She said people should consider bringing the following  in case of lineups:

– water and a snack;

– suitable clothing for outdoors such as rain gear, a hat and boots;

– a portable chair,

– books, such as for colouring, stickers or reading;

– small toys and games for children; and

– an MP3 player.

Zdeb added, “Also, we ask that you wear either short sleeves or a shirt with sleeves that are easy to roll up. This will make it easier for our nurses to give you the flu shot.”

Special clinic

In Guelph, the number of people coming to the emergen­cy department, doctors’ offices and clinics with H1N1 symp­toms continues to rise.

So, the Guelph Family Health Team has partnered with Guelph General Hospital to open an H1N1 assessment centre this week. Starting Nov. 7, the assessment centre will open 2 to 8pm  Monday to Friday. There will not be any vaccines given, nor will anyone be treated for anything other than flu-like symptoms. 

The clinic will see members of the general public with flu-like symptoms who are not in the aforementioned high risk groups. Anyone in a high risk group should not come to the centre for assess­ment.

The centre is at the former Delhi community centre at 65 Delhi Street, two doors south of the hospital. 

Here are guidelines for patients on what type of care they should access and how the assessment centre fits into the care system:

– those who have flu symp­toms, but think you feel well enough to care for themselves at home should do so. They may also call Telehealth for advice at1-866-797-0000.

– Those who have flu symp­toms, but are not in the high risk groups and think they need medical attention, should come to the H1N1 assessment centre.

– Staff at the centre will assess those people for the flu and give a treatment plan according to clinical guide­lines.

– People will not need a doctor’s referral to attend the flu assessment centre.

Those who are having diffi­culty breathing, are feeling delirious, or otherwise feel they are at high risk should go to Guelph General Hospital’s Emer­gency department.

