Guelph Township Horticultural Society celebrates 90th anniversary

The Guelph Township Horticultural Society celebrates its 90th anniversary this year. Several special events are planned.

May 5 is the first plant sale, held at Marden Community Centre and library parking lot, beginning at 9am to noon.

The members will have an assortment of perennials from their gardens, all reasonably priced. The Wellington County Green Legacy program will also have tree seedlings for distribution to township residents. Those will be handed out free, with a donation to the Guelph Food bank, beginning at 10am.

Early birds will get a number so they can shop for the society’s plants, which include raspberry canes and rhubarb, as they wait.

On May 12, the society is holding its second plant sale, also in Marden at 7368 County Road 30. That sale will run from 8am to noon. It is hoped shoppers who visited the society booth at the Guelph Market will take the time to travel the short distance to Marden.

As a bonus, there is lots of accessible free parking so purchases do not have to be carried far. While there, check the Marian Brennan Enabling Garden behind the library. That is an ongoing project between the society, the Township of Guelph-Eramosa and Wellington County.

On May 15 is the first of four flower and vegetable shows. Exhibits are open to paid members only, but the public is welcome to attend the show and meeting which begin at 7:30pm. A speaker on therapeutic gardening at Ignatius Centre will present while the judging is occurring.

Each show this year will have some special classes that reflect the society’s history. There is also a photography competition at each show.

The June 19 mini show and meeting begins with a barbecue at 6:30pm in the pavilion behind the Marden library. Bring a camera as Chris Earley, interpretive biologist and education co-ordinator from the University of Guelph Arboretum will take those present on a hike with butterfly nets and binoculars to identify dragonflies, butterflies and birds.

Memberships are available at any time by calling the secretary, 519-822-5289, or emailing the society at

The yearbook cover reflects the pioneer spirit as well as the modern enabling garden. A membership card presented to one of the sponsoring nurseries will provide a 10% discount. The society also has a web page with more information at

The regular monthly meetings are always held the third Tuesday of the month. An active youth group meets from April to October on the second Tuesday of each month, also at Marden.  Happy gardening.
