Guelph Little Theatre presents Frozen Dreams

Guelph Little Theatre’s Frozen Dreams is a lighthearted comedy; a universal tale about the plight of the homeless at Christmas in a big city.

Written by Robert Ainsworth, produced by Shelley Tuff and directed by Alan Quinn, it was inspired by a haunting Newspaper photo of a shoeless youth clutching a frozen turkey.

The very absurdity of the situation sparked Ainsworth to write this comic piece.

It contains rough language, and genuine pain, but through laughter, attempts to ask audiences some hard hitting questions about themselves, their beliefs and the need for action in society, given the current economy.

The story begins with two rubbies, Sam (Bart Penwarden) and Harry (Joe Brenner) carping at each other.

In enters Rainman (Shayne Coffin) a developmentally disabled, abandoned youth, carrying a frozen turkey that some good samaritan had given him.

When questioned about the bird, he tells them about a wonderful childhood Christmas memory. Knowing Rainman had very little in this world; the two old friends decide to find a way to cook the bird and to give Rainman a wonderful Christmas.

Frozen Dreams runs for three weekends, from Oct.  14 to 29 , with Sunday matinees on Oct. 16 and 23.

Tickets may be purchased from the GLT box office (519-821-0270) for $17 individuals or as part of a four-play season subscription for $50.

For further information or on line tickets, check the website at

