Guelph Lake officially open for ice fishing

GUELPH/ERAMOSA – It’s officially fishing season at Guelph Lake.

“Ice at Guelph Lake and Shade’s Mills is now at safe levels – come drop a line!” reads a Jan. 17 Facebook post from the Grand River Conservation Authority, announcing that conservation areas are open for ice fishing.

The post had said ice conditions at Pinehurst Lake were not yet safe, but the Brant conservation area has since also opened for ice fishing.

Belwood Lake, normally one of the areas offering the winter sport, remains closed.

“Belwood Lake is not offering ice fishing this season due to maintenance work at Shand Dam,” the social media post states. “Ice is not being tested, and for everyone’s safety, the public should stay off the ice.”

People can check the status of ice fishing and other conservation area activities at