Guelph Humane Society warns pet owners of dangerous summer heat

GUELPH – As temperatures soar this summer, the Guelph Humane Society (GHS) is issuing a critical reminder to all pet owners about the dangers of leaving dogs, and other pets, in hot cars. 

With the risk of heatstroke and even death, it is essential to understand the severe consequences of leaving pets unattended in vehicles, even for short periods of time. 

“With the high temperatures we are expecting this week, the decision to leave your pet in a hot car can be fatal in a matter of minutes,” GHS executive director Lisa Veit said. 

“Dogs are particularly vulnerable because they cannot regulate their own body temperature, they quickly can suffer from heatstroke, which can quickly cause organ failure and death.” 

GHS has launched a “Love means leaving me at home” campaign, to help raise awareness about safe pet care practices this summer. 

“Leaving a pet in a hot car, even in the shade or with the windows left open, is dangerous and irresponsible,” added Veit. 

“We urge all pet owners to be vigilant and take the necessary precautions to protect their furry friends during the hot weather months.” 

Signs of heat distress in dogs include excessive panting or drooling, lethargy or uncoordinated movement, vomiting or diarrhea and collapsing or unconsciousness. 

“The safest place for your pets is at home, especially during hot weather,” said Veit. “If you must travel with your pet, plan stops where they can be taken out of the car and kept cool.” 

The society encourages everyone to spread awareness about the dangers of leaving pets in hot cars and to help reduce risks and accidental deaths. 

Pet owners are subject to charges under the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, which can be laid by police or Provincial Animal Welfare inspectors. 

Penalties can include fines and imprisonment, added the media release. 

Pet owners may also face fines for violation of municipal by laws. 

To report an animal left in a hot vehicle, call your local police or humane society, Veit added. 

“If you see an animal in immediate danger, call 911.”