The Grosche Coffee and Tea Boutique is Guelph’s first certified living wage retail store.
A living wage is a conservative estimate of what two full-time working parents need to earn hourly to raise two children.
The local living wage is $16.50/hour. This number is calculated through a rigorous and reviewed process that is vetted nationally by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
The local living wage conversation has been spearhead by the Poverty Task Force, which is now reaching out to all employers.
“Paying a living wage is not only the right thing to do for our community, but also good for our business as well,” said company founder Helmi Ansari.
“It promotes better living in the community, ensuring that our employees are all able to afford the basics that are needed to live a healthy lifestyle as a minimum. We are thrilled to be opening our coffee and tea boutique in downtown Guelph.”
Randalin Ellery of the Guelph and Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination, stated, “We are thrilled to welcome Grosche International to our community and to the Guelph and Wellington Living Wage Employer Recognition Program.
“As the first retailer in Guelph signing on to the program, they are leading the way for others by supporting social change and decent work in our community.”
Another initiative of Grosche International is its commitment to providing safe drinking water and funding social development projects internationally. For every product sold, Grosche creates a minimum of five to ten days of safe drinking water for people in various locations.
For more information, visit