]Do you own a rural non-farm property? Are you interested in planting trees?
Trees for Mapleton can provide funding for landowners wanting to improve tree cover within the township by planting trees on their land.
The Trees for Mapleton committee is looking to fund planting projects along floodplains, steep slopes and erosion prone areas as well as planting buffer strips along watercourse and wetlands. Eligible project types include windbreaks, shelterbelts and riparian plantings with the goal of preventing wind erosion, protecting ground water recharge areas and increasing tree cover.
Grant rates for the Rural Non-farm Program are 80 per cent funding up to $1,500 per landowner. This program is not for landscaping purposes or laneway trees. Eligible projects are reviewed by the Trees for Mapleton committee and funds are limited.
Grand River Conservation Authority forestry specialist Meghan Clay will work with landowners to create a comprehensive planting plan based on site conditions and landowner objectives. In order to qualify the property needs to be at least 2.5 acres and a minimum order or 500 seedlings or 50 tall stock is required. Contact Meghan Clay at 519-621-2763 ext. 2259 or mclay@grandriver.ca to arrange a site visit.
Submitted by Liz Samis