GRCA offers school programs at Rockwood Conservation Area

Area school kids have an opportu­nity to explore the outdoors with a new series of four envi­ronmental education programs at Rockwood Conservation Area.

The GRCA park located in Rockwood is one of the natural gems of Wellington County.

Its cave and glacial pothole formations, limestone cliffs, scenic trails through centuries old forests, and clear winding rivers offer excellent outdoor environmental learning oppor­tunities.

New for the school year are four half-day programs.  Those include studies on cav­ing and geology, water stream studies, orienteering and map­ping, as well as recreational canoeing.

All programs are led by trained GRCA interpretive staff from the Guelph Lake Nature Centre, and directly relate to the Ontario curriculum appro­priate for grades 4 through 8.  Schools that book the program have exclusive use of the study areas. Space is limited to one school a day, and programs are offered only during Sep­tem­ber, October, May and June.

For rate and booking infor­mation, contact the Guelph Lake Nature Centre at (519) 836-7860 or email Guelph­

Youth groups such as Scouts and Guides also enjoy camping at Rockwood during the fall, and can book camping sites and similar outdoor pro­grams by calling Rockwood Conservation Area directly at 519-856-9543.

