GRCA offers native trees for 2016 spring planting

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) is reminding rural landowners to start thinking about ordering trees for planting next spring.

Private landowners make an immense contribution to the tree cover in the watershed because nearly 80 per cent of land is privately owned. Many landowners order trees every year and the GRCA is committed to working closely with them. Last year they planted 175,000 trees and this year the GRCA welcomes new orders and inquiries.

For plantings that will be done by the GRCA, the deadline to order is Dec. 1. The minimum order is 500 seedlings or 50 saplings or potted plants.

For plantings that will be done by the landowner, orders can be placed online from now until March 1. The minimum order is 200 seedlings or 20 saplings or potted plants and shopping early provides the best selection.

For more information, check the forestry section of the GRCA website at, or call the supervisor of conservation services, Louise Heyming at 519-621-2761, Ext. 2279.

For anyone wanting the GRCA to plant trees on their land and needing a planting plan, a site visit is required. Visits take place year-round. But for spring 2016 planting, the visit must be completed and the trees ordered before Dec. 1.  Landowners calling the GRCA now will have their name added to the waiting list for a site visit.

The GRCA can also help landowners obtain grants to offset some of the cost. Projects such as windbreaks, shelterbelts, riparian buffers and large block plantings are eligible to receive grants covering 70 to 90 per cent from sources such as Trees Ontario and the authority’s Rural Water Quality Program.

This program also provides financial assistance to qualified landowners to share the cost of many best management practices that improve and protect water quality.

Order online or by mail

Online tree ordering started Oct. 2 and the best selection of trees is early on. Online ordering is available until March 1, however the supply on some species dwindles as orders come in. Orders may also be placed by mail.

The GRCA has an inventory of 300,000 native trees available to watershed landowners with a property that is greater than one hectare (2.5 acres) exclusive of buildings, within the Grand River watershed.

The trees provided by the GRCA include over 30 species. These are native trees and a few non-native species that are well suited to this watershed. Online and mailed in orders are taken until March 1.
