Government launches development program

FedDev On­ta­rio is now accepting applica­tions under the Southern Onta­rio development program  for projects that will stimulate local economies and enhance the growth and competitiveness of area businesses and commu­nities.

Overall funding for the program is $100-million in 2009-10; with $40-million available for now.

Applications for funding in 2009-10 will be accepted to Dec.1. The grant agen­cy will favour projects that can be started quickly and com­plet­ed by March 31. Ap­plications will be assessed based on merit and against program criteria and will be reviewed as they are received by the agency.

To download an application form, visit www.southern­

The program was establish­ed to promote economic devel­opment, economic diversi­fica­tion, job creation, and sustain­able communities in Southern Ontario.


