Giant Book Sale accepting donations

Donations are now being accepted for the Friends of the Guelph Public Library’s 10th Annual Book Sale, which will be held Oct. 21 to 23.

The organization is looking for books, videos, DVDs, blu-rays, CDs, LPs, sheet music, games and puzzles to sell. All proceeds will go towards the Guelph Public Library.

“Donations are a big part of the sale and our volunteers are already working hard to sort and organize the donations we have so far,” said Virginia Gillham, chair of the Friends of the Guelph Public Library and the sale.

“Not only do our volunteers thoroughly enjoy opening a box to see what treasures are inside, but so do our customers. Now is a perfect time to go through bookshelves, boxes and storage and to make a very rewarding donation.”

Donations can be made at the site, 69 Huron Street in Guelph Monday to Saturday from 2 to 5pm, or at any Guelph Public Library during regular hours. The location will be closed Sundays and holidays leading up to the sale.

For more information visit

The Friends of the Guelph Public Library is an arms-length organization whose mandate is to support the Guelph Public Library.

The annual book sale is the major fundraising activity for the FGPL. Income from the sale and other events over the course of each year are used to support various library activities.

Most of the funds raised are invested and accrued toward a major gift to the library in support of the planned new main library building.

That sum is now more than $430,000.

The book sale has been an annual autumn event since 2007. The first sale was held in Old Quebec Street Mall. It lasted just one day and offered fewer than 20,000 books with a gross amount of $10,000 at the end of the day.

Since then, each sale has been increasingly larger and more complex, but it has continually earned more funding and attracted more customers every year.
