A.R. Gurney’s Sylvia, directed by Rockwood’s Jim Monaghan and produced by Pamela Niesiobedzki-Curtis of Erin, is an adult comedy on mid-life angst and the role pets play in our lives.
In the Georgetown Little Theatre production, a marriage is turned upside down when a young, buxom blonde disrupts the relations – only this female is a four-legged, shaggy Labradoodle. The cast of characters present a humourous look at supporting a marriage that has gone to the dogs.
Sylvia takes the stage at the Acton Town Hall Centre, 19 Willow St. It runs evenings at 8pm on April 12, 13, 18 to 20, and 25 to 27; matinees are April 14 and 21 at 2pm.
Tickets are available at the door or at Acton Home Hardware or Sports Unlimited, or JET box office at 905-877-3700 and online at www.haltonhills.ca/theatre/.