Garlic growers celebrate harvest garlic festivals

Garlic lovers, foodies, gardeners, and chefs will have a chance to taste the superior quality of locally grown garlic at nine garlic festivals across Ontario this summer.

These fun-filled family events will feature great entertainment, culinary delights featuring garlic, specialty garlic vendors, demonstrations, and much more.

“Festival-goers will be able to taste for themselves and see why Ontario grown garlic is the best in the world.” said Mark Wales, president of the Garlic Growers Association of Ontario. “We’re excited that more people are discovering Ontario garlic.”

Unlike imported garlic, some Ontario garlic varieties are found to have a higher Brix content than grapes, indicating a higher sugar and mineral content.

The higher the brix content, the better the food tastes, which is why when Ontario garlic is being cooked, it caramelizes quickly and releases a unique flavour profile sought by prominent chefs from around the world.

“Ontario garlic, like most fresh, local ingredients, not only tastes superior to imported garlic, but supports local economies.” said Jamie Kennedy, chef and owner of Gilead Café and Jamie Kennedy Kitchens. “Find it at your local farmers markets, and demand it from your local grocers.”

According to a study done by the University of Guelph, garlic produced in Ontario soil is shown to have some of the highest nutraceutical properties in the world.

Nutraceutical is a new term describing certain foods that provide medical benefits in additional to its basic nutritional value.

Mild-flavoured garlic scapes are found in some produce stores and farmers’ markets starting in June, while fresh Ontario garlic bulbs are available by mid-summer.

Of these nine festivals, local events include:

– Perth Garlic Festival on

Aug.10 to 11. Visit

– The Stratford Garlic Festival, Sept. 7 to 8. Visit

– The Niagara Garlic and Herb Festival, Sept. 14

– The Toronto Garlic Festival, Sept. 22. Visit www.

For more information visit
