Frozen Dreams play set to warm hearts

Georgetown Little Theatre’s Frozen Dreams written by award-winning playwright Robert Ainsworth, directed by Pamela Niesiobedzki-Curtis and produced by Gina Van Raalte is a witty, lighthearted comedy; not your usual tale about the plight of the homeless.

The story takes place at an abandoned loading dock where Sam (Bart Penwarden) and Harry(Rob Pearce) are carping at each other. In enters Rainman (Shayne Coffin) a developmentally disabled youth, carrying a frozen turkey that some charity organization had given him.

The two older men decide to fulfill Rainman’s dreams by finding a way to cook his bird.  Add to the mix a sympathetic public health nurse (Janice Van Olst), a super efficient police officer (Aaron  Sawczak) and a scattered bag lady (Kathy Sanford) and you have the makings of a wonderful and touching story that reminds us all that one needs to dream, no matter what the circumstances.

Frozen Dreams is to be presented at the Acton Town Hall Centre at 19 Willow St.. Performances are Feb. 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23  evenings at 8pm with 2pm matinees on Feb.10 and 17. The performance features some coarse language.

Tickets are $17 (Thursdays/Sunday) and $20 (Friday/Saturday).  

For tickets, call the JET box office 905-877-3700  or on-line at

Tickets are also available at the door, or at Acton Home Hardware, Sports Unlimited or the Georgetown Library at 9 Church St.

For additional information visit
