Fowl fanciers show Saturday

Over a decade ago, a small group of fancy and rare chicken breeders got to­gether to put on a poultry show.

It was a one-time event to promote heritage and protect endangered chicken breeds.

And it would not go away.

Some 14 years later, it is still going strong and organi­zers will again hold a show. Over the years, they have wel­comed exhibitors from all over Canada, including British Columbia, Quebec, and from every corner of Ontario – and they have made many friends from the United States.

This year’s event is shaping up to be a great show, with or­ganizers expecting over 600 people to take part. The show is run by Paul Homer and his wife, Jean, and a team of vol­unteers.

This year, it offers 149 classes for a large variety of poultry and five classes for bantam ducks.

Anyone interested in find­ing out about the world of fan­cy fowl is welcome to come to Colwyn Farms on Sept. 25 from 10am to 4pm, on County Road 29, just south east of Fergus. Head east on Belsyde Ave­nue and watch for County Road 29 just outside of town.

The indoor show offers lots of parking and there is no admission fee for spectators. There will be an art exhibit and at approximately 2pm there will be an auction of mer­chandise and a sale of some of the show’s stars.

For further information, call Paul Homer at 519-843-3459.

