Former warden to celebrate 100th birthday

Bill Tilden, one of Wellington County’s former wardens and a former politician here will be celebrating his 100th birthday this Saturday.

Mayor David Anderson noted that on Feb. 28, there was an invitation to council and others wishing to attend Til­den’s 100th birthday party.

Anderson said Tilden was a long time ago reeve of Minto Township.

“He was also the warden of the county in 1952.”

Anderson said the event is at the Harriston United Church from 2 to 4:30pm.

He said that both he and deputy-mayor Judy Dirksen will be there to make a certificate presentation.

“He is a very great old gentleman. He’s planted thousands and thousands of trees in our municipality.

“He’s been a really good long time resident of the township and the Town of Minto.”

