Thirty members and guests attended and information meeting on diabetes and foot care with chiropodist Betty McTague on Oct. 10 at Knox United Church in Clifford.
The meeting was sponsored by the North Perth North Wellington Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association.
George Van Ankum opened the meeting by offering appreciation to the volunteers who keep the information office open, organize meetings and literature displays, and canvass for the annual appeal, starting with his wife Alice Van Ankum of Drayton; Nancy Dietrich, Henry Westendorp, Cora Anne Morden and Audrey Morden of Harriston; Grace Van Donkersgoed and Everdina Bender of Listowel; Dorothy DeJong of Dundalk; Theresa Johnston of Atwood; Norma Madgett of Mount Forest; and Bonnie Whitehead of Clifford.
Reports were given on membership, assistance programs, save-a-tape programs, the annual appeal, and the soup and sandwich luncheon. Zehrs concluded its tape program, but with public support extended the final due date to Dec. 31.
Cora Anne accepts other tapes from L & M Harriston, L & M Palmerston, and Foodland in Mount Forest.
Guest speaker Betty McTague started her chiropody clinic in 1984 with locations in Mount Forest and Georgetown. She covers a full range of foot concerns and creates custom orthotics. She is a foot care and wound care specialist with a focus on diabetes.
Proper foot care is essential, she said, as is wearing white or light coloured seamless socks made from natural fibres such as cotton, wool, alpaca and even bamboo. Shoes are needed for protection, warmth and comfort. Shoes should enclose your feet, not compress them, she noted.
Elaine Hubbard offered a look at her feet and shoes for demonstration purposes. Johnathan McTague traced Elaine’s feet on a piece of paper as well as her shoes. The wearer’s “foot line” should fit inside the ‘shoe line’ nicely. If not, the shoe may be too small, it was noted.
McTague said many foot problems are preventable and people should annually undergo a ten-point inspection to include checking for loss of protective feeling, excessive heat spots, and blood flow.
A question period followed.
Attendees received a bag of lotion samples, information leaflets, and shoe purchasing information.
Nancy Dietrich and George and Marion Nickel were rewarded with gift baskets from Betty McTague.
The door prize draw of a Diabetes Comfort Food cookbook was won by Ivy Leith.
Local CDA volunteers can be reached at the Diabetes Information Centre at 94B Elora St. S. in Harriston on Tuesday and Friday afternoons from 1:30 to 4:30pm, by calling 519-338-3181 or