First annual meet of multicultural group

On Oct. 20 from 7 to 9pm The Guelph Dis­trict Multicultural Festival will meet at  Immigrant Services – Guelph Wellington at  926 Pais­ley Road  Units 4 and 5,

The business of the meeting will include consideration of:

– review of organization’s main purpose, its vision, ob­jectives and goals;

– receive and adopt the audit­ed financial statements for the financial year ended (actual date);

– introduce the board’s ex­ecutive  and directors; and

– present a summation of the highlights of this year’s festival and the plans for 2010 with an open forum, question period and refreshments to follow. An invitation is extended to all community partners and anyone interested in member­ship, to join the board of directors for the milestone of the organization, and contribute to its continued success with suggestions membership.



